Kind Words and Press!

What folks are saying about Swordfish Tango:

“This might be Kindie Rock at its Kindiest…Pointed Man Band bring their distinctly individual style to the children’s music arena, and listeners of all ages should embrace their debut album Swordfish Tango.” – Warren Truitt,

“A combination of Tom Waits and Shel Silverstein, the Beatles and Parisian cafes, the music smells of hardwood floors and flannel and wood construction blocks. Let’s put it this way – it’s an album that besides featuring a song about an invisible duck and Western Washington witches, it includes a song about dancing without pants — in French.” – Stefan Shepherd, Zooglobble*

“Too often kids get the short end of the drum stick…  The music is too bland, or too sweet, or too repetitive. Welcome Pointed Man Band.”  – Matthew Bernstein, Oregon Music News

“I think you’re going to enjoy the story behind Swordfish Tango as much as you will the music.” – Jennifer, Swing Whistle Zing

“Lush, fun and weird–Pointed Man Band is kids music as creative as your kids are!” – Jeff Krebs (Papa Crow)

“A creative masterpiece.” – My Mother In-Law

Where folks are playing Swordfish Tango:

Greasy Kid Stuff, Spare the Rock, Spoil the Child, Kids Corner-WXPN, Ages 3 and Up!, OWTK’s Monthly podcast (Sept, 2013) and more!

* also included Swordfish Tango in both the Top Ten Kids Music Album Debuts of 2013 and Top 25 Kids Music Albums of 2013!